Here for You: EFCU has established a remote call center to assist members. If you need assistance with your account, please call during normal business hours*.
Local: 1-760-839-4606 | Toll Free: 1-888-835-1036
Normal Business Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm *see closure dates & times below:
*Closing Early: 
Friday, January 31st and February 14th and 28th at 1:00pm
*Holiday Closure: Monday, February 17th, Presidents' Day

Latest News


E-Statements Now Available!

There is no charge for this service! Members enrolled in FlexTeller Online Banking already experience the convenience of viewing account information online. Now, an additional convenient, secure method is available to receive periodic statements!

Learn More

Important Notices

Travel Alert

Have domestic or foreign travel plans and need to use your EFCU Credit Card and/or Debit Card? MasterCard and CO-OP Fraud Services must be notified of your out-of-town plans when monitoring for fraud. Contact the Credit Union at least one week prior to departure to inform us of your travel dates and major city destinations to ensure uninterrupted access to your funds.

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Find Surcharge-Free ATMs Nationwide

ATM Network

Through our partnership with the CO-OP ATM Network you can use nearly 30,000 ATM locations nationwide — and save money, because they're all surcharge free. That adds up to convenience and savings.

Credit Union Videos

Go Green with E-Statements

man with tablet

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